UPDATE: After writing my original review below, I decided to delete & reinstall the app on my phone; that made things worse! Several courses that I have played using SkyDroid are no longer available for download. I tried both on my iPhone and on my desktop computer at the SkyDroid web site; those courses have disappeared from SkyDroid. So, I decided to follow the suggestion to map a course using SkyDroid’s mapping tool; that failed to work on both my desktop computer and iPhone. I am waiting to hear back from the developer(s), but at this time, I’m very discouraged and disappointed. An app that used to be one of my favorites is now almost useless to me. I hope that all of my issues will be resolved, but unless that happens, I cannot recommend SkyDroid to anyone, nor can I give it more than one star.
I have been using SkyDroid for several years, and until recently, had been thrilled with it. However, during the past couple of months, it has been giving very incorrect distances to the green for anywhere from one to four holes during an 18-hole round. This has occurred on at least three different courses. For example, my ball might be sitting near the 150 yard marker, yet SkyDroid will indicate 240 yards to the middle, 260 yards to center, and 280 to the back. I have completely quit the app, then relaunched it - no change. I have enabled SkyDroid to use my phone’s Location Service at all times - no improvement. Occasionally, if I wait a minute or two, and gently shake my phone, the yardage numbers will improve - but not always to the correct distance. I am very disappointed, because SkyDroid had been one of my favorite and most used apps. I love the simplicity of a basic yardage provider; I do not want or need the ability to keep my score or track the distance of shots with each club. To the creators of SkyDroid: please fix this issue; I love the concept of your app, and really hope to regain confidence in it.